Mai Griffin

Alongside a successful painting career spanning sixty years (including Portraits of foreign royalty and HM Queen Elizabeth for the British Embassy, Qatar) Mai has been writing and contributing articles to various publications since the early fifties. Ghost-writing and supporting others became a quiet passion and apart from a publication in 1977, Mai’s name rarely appeared as the author. ‘Echoes’ was a winning entry in an international short story competition, so she finished writing the first of her ‘Grey Series’ of paranormal mystery thrillers, finally writing under her own name. Mai is writing her fifth, now. and p168, 200, 225


Gaile M. Griffin Peers

As the editor, knowing that the authors’ royalties are being donated to Cancer Research UK (with U P Publications matching that donation) I couldn’t resist adding one of my own stories to the mix. I have written, edited and contributed to various magazines and publications under a variety of names since my first foray into publishing in 1975 as the Art Editor of RAF Brize Norton’s Gateway Magazine. As a teenager, I helped my mother in the production of a variety of fund-raising publications for local associations. Not only have I worked with U P Publications since 2003, but I also manage and edit 5Ws Magazine.  p233


Sue Frost

Miss Winifred Robins was Sue’s inspiration. Slightly eccentric, with her wild white hair and ballet pumps, Sue says her ‘ancient’ English teacher bewitched her with mythical Greek Gods and enchanting poetry and urged her to write herself.

Life-events interrupted Sue’s flow for the next 40 years but she wrote when she could. Being an archetypal Scorpio, a perfectionist and horribly critical, it was not easy!

In her own words, Sue reports: “My little story, written especially for the competition, came very easily to me: partly because I believe I have lived the life of a vagrant in another karma.”

Sue plans to use it as an outline for a novel and added, “I absolutely know that Miss Robins will be at my side, her usual encouraging and enthusiastic self. Watch this space!” p16


William Daysh MBE

In William’s working life there were two distinct phases – Royal Navy and post-Royal Navy – both roughly equal in time terms at around twenty-two years each. The stories that stick in William’s mind come from several different areas of his RN service – flying, diving and the events leading up to his M.B.E.  However, the most relevant one to William’s first book Over By Christmas  came from diving.

When William was the Diving Officer of the shore base HMS CONDOR in Scotland, he also founded and led the ship’s Sub Aqua Club. They dived on a number of wrecks in Scottish waters. On one such expedition, they found the two huge propellers (each weighing 14.5 tons) of HMS ARGYLL, a  battle-cruiser that ran aground on the Bell Rock during WW1.

Many years later, while carrying out research for Over By Christmas, William unearthed the true story of how ARGYLL mysteriously came to be on the rock, and the drama that unfolded inside the lighthouse that night. He published a short story about this little piece of history on the highly recommended web site at

William’s story, The Death of HMS ARGYLL, is on the site. The dramatic demise of the ship is also featured in Over By Christmas. 

William’s website is p110, 157, 181, 194, 216

Andy Crabb

Andy won the 2006 International Story Writing Competition in English and subsequently appeared in the ‘Anthology of Short Stories – Torrevieja, Another Look 2006’. In fact, two of his stories were included!

Andy was the winner of the Bay Radio Competition.

One of his favourite pastimes has always been walking. He has walked along beaches, through African National Parks and rambled around mountains. He says it is an inexpensive pursuit and allows him time to get his thoughts into perspective.

“Poisoned Petals” is the title of Andy’s first anthology of Short Stories with a Spanish Flavour. The second is “Blood Blossoms” His website is p42


Margaret Cornwell

Margaret was born in India and started writing as the bombs rained down on Calcutta, “Mainly plays, to keep us kids occupied,” she says.

Later, in England, she had articles published in ‘She’, ‘Parents’, and twice in the Bristol Evening Post.

When living five thousand feet up on Kilimanjaro, Margaret started writing her autobiography and also a biography of the famous Margarete Trappe. She now lives in Spain and concentrates on short stories. p32, 51, 63